Does HPV Go Away - Simple Truths About the HPV Virus Health Articles | August 29 Cheap Frank Kaminsky Shirt , 2012 So many people ask the question, does hpv go away. There are over 100 different strains of the hpv virus which infects both men and women. This virus is very common and is known to affect the mucous membrane, it manifests on literally any part of the body (on the skin) from the face, hands Cheap Cody Zeller Shirt , feet, and even the genital areas like the vagina, penis anus. It is a known cause of cervical cancer and other cancers like penile and anal cancer. HPV is commonly transmitted sexually and that is why one should take precautionary measures and keep only one sexual partner and have regularly tests to be on the safe side.
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that is commonly sexually transmitted. So many people out here who are infected or think they might be are asking the question, does hpv go away. Some people may never know they are infected because most times symptoms do not manifest and in some cases Cheap Michael Kidd-Gilchrist Shirt , HPV can go unnoticed and heal by itself. This virus causes warts infection in both men and women on different parts of the body including the genital region. It is also one of the main causes of cervical cancer and can also cause in rare occasions cancer of the penis, anus.
HPV in Women
It is established that HPV can go unoticed and that is why women should go for regular pap tests. This test detects cell changes that are caused by the virus in the early stages. This means that you have the to treat it before it advances. If detected and treated early, deaths and complications of cancers are reduced. It is advisable to get this test done once a year.
HPV In Men
Men do not notice when they get HPV due to its lack of symptoms. This virus can cause cancers of the penis and anus in men. Unlike women, men do not have screening tests that help diagnose HPV. It is detected through a visual test whereby doctors use vinegar solution to identify flat warts. This test is not very reliable though.
Symptoms of HPv in men are warts that are flesh colored Cheap Dwight Howard Shirt , raised or cauliflower shaped. These can appear on the penis, scrotum, anus and thighs. To some extent, some warts may appear in the mouth Cheap Michael Carter-Williams Shirt , throat, lips and tongue.
Some common warts that characterize HPV are; Common warts: These are painless and appear on fingers, nails, face and knees.Flat warts: Are small and smooth and appear on the back of hands Cheap Jeremy Lamb Shirt , legs, face in clusters.Genital warts: Are small, flat or raised and appears on the genital area.Plantar warts: These can be painful due to their location as they appear on the soles of the feet.Filiform warts: They form long and thin projections around the eyes, neck and face.Precancerous lesions: these are abnormal cells in the cervix that are painless and can only be detected through pap smear test.Causes of HPV
The HPV is know to enter the body through broken or open skin which then infects the cells in the skin layer. After this Cheap Marvin Williams Shirt , the virus then replicates ion the body. It can be weeks, months or even years before you notice the symptoms of HPV. It is transmitted through; Sexual contact: having sexual activities with an infected person automatically puts you at risk. The genitals are an open way for the virus to get in the body.Prenatal: This is whereby a mother passes it on to her baby during birth.Skin to skin: Skin warts might be transmitted through cuts though this is rare. Walking bare foot in public facilities like the gym and swimming pools can cause the transmission.One should assume that a common virus like the HPV can have a cure but unfortunately there is none. There is however a cure for other medical complications brought on by the infection. Symptoms like genital warts, cervical changes and cancers can be treated. In answer to the question does hpv go away, one w